Don Diavlo

Chencha Berrinches 1996' - Present

Born in Guanajuato Mexico

Don Diavlo Plays:

DW Customs Made drums

Q & A with Don Diavlo

1. What first got you into music?

As a kid, the band in my hometown inspired me.

2. Who inspired you to make music?

My Father

3. Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Maldita Vecindad

4. If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?


5. What is one message you would give to your fans?

Enjoy life & dance to the music

6. What is the most useless talent you have?

Play the violin

7. Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Yes, Tragos de amaros

8. What's your favorite Chencha song to play live?

The Devils Dance Floor

9. Which famous musicians do you admire?

Die Toten Hoses

10. What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

Maldita Vecindad

11. What is the best advice you’ve been given? None

12. Favorite Sport? Soccer

13. Favorite Team? LAFC